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Make a Donation

Take a look at some of the projects that we do, make a pledge to fund them, all of the money you give goes directly to the projects.

Distribute free food

It costs us ₹5,000 to provide quality food for 100 people.
A monthly subscription of ₹500 will enable us to feed 10 people.
If you unable to commit to a monthly subscription
consider making a one-off donation.

Blood Transfusion Camps

Blood Transusion Camps are a big part of what we do, we arrange transfusion camps every 6 to 8 weeks. Your subscription or donation will help us purchase kits to get blood, each kit costs ₹1,400, at each camp we have the capacity to take blood from about 50 to 100 people.
Imagine someone in your Family has had an accident & will certainly die without a Blood Transfusion, what would you do to help your Family member?
Help us today and support the life saving work we do.
If you are able, become a monthly subscriber, but remember anything you give will help us save another persons life. Thank you!

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